So you have some questions...Feel free to contact me directly if you can't find an answer here!
When you place an order:
Simply add each painting to your shopping bag, and click 'Checkout'. If a painting is not marked 'Sold', it is available for purchase. Follow the instructions to purchase your order through PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account, just continue as a guest. Please let me know of any special requests in the message to seller box in the PayPal Checkout page. I will confirm all of your requests in the Order Confirmation email.
I am happy to send items directly to recipients along with a hand-written note. Please notify me of any gift details in the "message to seller" box when you checkout through PayPal.
Turnaround Time:
Every painting you order receives my individual attention. Most paintings ship within 2-3 business days, unless otherwise noted. I will contact you directly regarding any special shipping information.
Once payment is received, I will prepare your painting for shipping. Every shipment is carefully packaged and fully insured. I ship small and medium sized paintings via USPS Priority, which arrives in 2-4 days, depending on your location. Large Paintings will ship FedEx. I will send you a tracking email once the painting(s) has shipped, so you know when to expect your delivery. Shipping rates are estimates and a guideline is noted below. I will contact you directly regarding any special shipping information. Please contact me for shipping quotes on international orders.
Domestic Rates:
Miniature Paintings . . . . $8
Small Paintings . . . . . . . $15
Medium Paintings. . . . . . . $22-$35
Large Paintings . . . . . . . $60 and up, depending on size.
International Rates: International orders (small and medium sized paintings) are shipped USPS international priority, and
usually arrive in 6-10 business days. Large paintings will typically ship Fed-Ex. Contact me directly for a shipping quote.
Miniature Paintings . . . . $16
Small Paintings . . . . . . . $30
Medium Paintings. . . . . . . $45
Large Paintings . . . . . . . $80 and up, depending on size
EU Miniature Paintings . . . . $ 28 .
Small Paintings . . . . $ 40
Medium Paintings . . . . .$60
Large Paintings . . . . .Contact me for a quote
Special Orders & Commissions:
Did you see a painting that has sold and would like something similar? Do you have a bright idea, color scheme, and/or special size you would like to commission me for? Awesome! Contact me directly and we can work together so that I can create a truly unique and unforgettable painting that you will enjoy for years to come!
If you would like to return a painting, just return it within 7 days of receipt (in the same condition it was sent), and I will refund your purchase price, less any shipping costs.
If an item arrives damaged, please let me know immediately, and we will work together to resolve the issue with the carrier. A picture of the damaged piece is also appreciated for insurance purposes.